Main facts
Main products
- High-quality bedding pellets for poultry, horses, and pets
- Fiber-rich feed pellets
In addition to selling the pellets, income is also generated from selling the service of processing of farmers´ own biomass into pellets used by the farmers themselves.
Overall business idea
- Upgrading regional agricultural biomass and residual materials into new products
- Application of technology for pressure hydrothermal treatment and processing of the biomass into pellets
- Income is generated from both selling pellets as a product and from contract production of pellets
Key characteristics of the success story
- Optimised utilisation of agricultural biomass and residual materials
- Circulation of nutrients and carbon
- Application of novel, energy efficient technologies
- High degree of renewable energy for production processes
- Financial support to cover part of the investment
Plans for development
A production line for biofuel pellets is under construction