Main facts
Main products
- Wine
- Alcohol & tartaric acid
- Different extracts used as raw materials in the pharmaceutical, food, and beverage sectors
- Bioethanol
- Biomethane
- Electricity
- Compost and soil improver
Overall business idea
- Production of a variety of wines exported to more than 70 countries
- Conversion of agri-food by-products into high-value products for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc.
- Utilisation of wastes from primary production and other wastes for bioenergy and natural fertilisers.
Key characteristics of the success story
- Valorisation of by-products into high-value components
- Wastes used to renewable energy (bioethanol, biogas, electricity)
- Circulation of nutrients and carbon back to the soils
- Pro-active approach to application of new technologies
- Partnerships with public sector
Plans for development
- A plant for capturing CO2 from the bio-refining process have been established in 2020
- Captured CO2 can be utilised in the food and beverage sectors